
You Have NO Idea....... unless you live in Gainesville and party like a Gator.......

Joakim Noah Rant #1:
Finally somebody posted the ridiculous interview by Joakim Noah after the Florida-OSU game on Monday. This kid did not deserve to talk after the game if this is what he was going to say. I can't understand how a young man who is the offspring of a former French professional Tennis player and former Miss Sweden can sound so uneducated. It just looks bad on the University of Florida that after three years of a college education their best player and spokesmen for the team hasn't learned how to market himself or say a complete sentence without sounding like a complete idiot. Also, if you were able to catch the end of the Women's NCAA game Candace Parker was interviewed and being the same age as Noah I figured something like, "We're gonna do it big, you have no idea, but my girls know, my volunteer girls know what I'm talking about." Instead, what we got was a very good interview about how the team played and what they learned over the past couple years and the great job the coach and leader did throughout her career. Interesting.

Noah Rant #2:
The more I watch this clip the more I try to place this voice and I realize why I hate Joakim's voice so much, because it's an exact replica of Stephen A. Smith's. Listen. When Noah says, "my boys know", it's an almost perfect match!

Noah Rant #3:
Could anyone's draft status hurt more than Noah's in that last game? He had one fg, and three rebounds. That's awful. He sat most of the game and cheered his team which isn't what a lottery pick player should be doing in an effort to repeat as champions.

Noah Rant #4:
Not so much a rant on Noah, but the Florida team in general. These four juniors started crying at their press conference that they were leaving. Seriously. If it's that emotionally draining on you then stay a third year. If you truly can't imagine playing without these guys than go try to win a third title, but don't cry about the fact that you just made a decision to make millions of dollars and say why it was one of the hardest decisions of your life. As soon as this video pops up I'll put it up just so you can see it.

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