Okay, our next Jim Rome's Silence Mock Draft will be a mock lottery. Here are the rules: You must follow the original order of the draft, however you can put in possible trades that are reasonable. No Tim Duncan to Chicago for the #9 pick trades. Other than that, you can pick any player for any team, meaning you can give the Grizzlies joakim Noah at #4 if you really want to and it's your turn. Since we don't have too many contributors to the blog, we'll say you can't make back-to-back picks just alternating.
And with the first pick of the 2007 Jim Rome's Silence Mock Lottery Draft, the Portland Trailblazers select Greg Oden.
1. Portland: Greg Oden (Justin)
First Trade of the Draft!!! Here's the breakdown (salary cap non-withstanding):
Lakers Get: #2 Pick, Tyrus Thomas, Ben Gordon
Bulls Get: Kevin Garnett, Ricky Davis, Andrew Bynum
Pacers Get: #9 Pick, Andres Nocioni
Sonics Get: Kobe MF'in Bryant
Timberwolves Get: Rashard Lewis, Jermaine O'Neal
2. LAL: Kevin Durant
Second Trade of the Draft!
Knicks Get: Vince Carter and Zaza Pachulia
Hawks Get: Zach Randolph and Nate Robinson, David Lee
Trail Blazers Get: #3 Pick, Tyron Lue
Nets Get: Josh Childress, Quentin Richardson, LaMarcus Aldridge
3. Portland - Al Horford
4. Memphis - Corey Brewer
The Grizzzzz play it safe, and get somebody better than Dahntay Jones (Dahntay Jones?!?!) to play the 2. Surprisingly, they don't take their 2nd foreign center and match some enormous Chinese guy w/Paul Gasol. The Celts are up next, God knows what they're going to do.
5. Boston - Yi Jianlian
I really wanted to give Boston Joakim Noah just to give Bill Simmons a heart attack and make it three Gators in a row. I also wanted to get Orlando to this pick so Donavon could get his favorite athlete ever (that may happen later). Yi has had some good workouts lately and his stock is rising, but is he the next Wang Zhizhi?
Third Trade of the Draft!
Bucks Get: Richard Jefferson, #17
Nets Get: #6, Brian Skinner
6. New Jersey - Brendan Wright
He's from UNC...I don't really care. Upside, blah blah blah. I'm sure JKidd will make him look good. Where will Vinsanity go now that the big3 are blown up? (Vince is actually already in New York...)
7. Minnesota - Mike Conley Jr.
First, this draft is too good for Minnesota and that's why it will never happen with Kevin McHale up there. Minnesota's team looks drastically different and so much better after this draft. Their before linup: Mike James, Ricky Davis, Trenton Hassell, Kevin Garnett, Mark Blount. Their after lineup: Mike Conley Jr, Randy Foye (great player, would start here when Ricky Davis leaves), Rashard Lewis, Jermaine O'Neal, Mark Blount. If they can add another big guy during free agency they would be contenders in the West again.
Trade #4!!
Charlotte gets: Rasheed Wallace + Nazr Mohammed
Detroit Gets: #8 Pick + Gerald Wallace
8. Detroit - Tiago Splitter
Charlotte takes advantage of Detroit's playoff implosion, while the Pistons get rid of the insane 'Sheed and choose another Euro player (one of these guys is going to pan out right? Darko, Delfino, now Tiago). Detroit gets some youthful size to move around a bit, while trying to keep Rip + Mr. Big Shot (really, that's his nickname???)
9. Indiana - Spencer Hawes
What may have been the easiest pick in the draft. With Jermaine O'Neal gone, the Pacers need someone down low who can score. This lets Troy Murphy go back to being a PF which should help and with the joining of Nocioni, Mike Dunleavy can go back to playing the 3 (What?? Mike Dunleavy was playing the 2 in a Pacer uniform??? Seriously? According to their depth chart he was...ouch).
Another Trade!! Sweet Lord this is a crazy Draft?
Sacramento Gets: Boris Diaw, Phoenix's #29 + #59 Picks
Phoenix Gets: #10 Pick, Ron Artest
10. Phoenix - Julian Wright
Thank God Julian doesn't go to Sacramento, Atlanta, or any other terrible team. The Kings unload their own nutjob, Artest (and his $$), and add some opportunities to rebuild around Kevin Martin (really?) and his flattop (really?)
11. Atlanta - Acie Law IV
It may be too early to go with Law, especially with Jeff Green on the board (he must be shwoing his Brady Quinn face with this pick) but the Hawks need a PG because they passed up on Chris Paul and Deron Williams two years ago. They cannot afford to pass up on Mr. Clutch. This pick also allows the Hawks to be contenders in the weak Southeast. Their 2007-2008 lineup: Acie Law, Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, Zach Randolph.
12. Philadelphia
As the pick is about to be announced, Billy King looks especially pleased with himself, especially excited to get the player he's been dreaming about for the last 4 months, kid with local connections, kid who can be a go-to-guy, kid Billy can't believed slipped that far. Here comes the announcement.
"With the twelfth pick in the 2007 NBA draft, the Philadelphia 76ers select.....Roy Hibbert of Georgetown."
Horrified, a team exec informs Billy of the news that last month, Hibbert withdrew from the draft. Shocked and confused, Billy pulls his best Tim Duncan face and shrieks for Stern's help. After a few moments of deliberation between Stern and the rest of the NBA's GM's, they decide to have mercy on the inept Billy. Frantically, Billy stops thinking and just chooses Hibbert's teammate, Jeff Green.
13. New Orleans - Al Thornton
Chris Paul desperately needs a scorer since David West led the Hornets this past year. Thornton showed some promise against Kentucky and Florida this year. Scoring big in big games is a bonus and shows great "potential" and "upsdie". If Noah is truly a guy like Battier where he plays in postion and knows how to play the game/rebound/play defense, then he would be a steal here. However, if he's more like the Noah during and after the Championship game, then he should drop to the 2nd round. Either way, New Orleans needs a scorer, which is why they select Big Al.
Thus concludes the 2007 Jim Rome's Silence Mock Lottery.
rosters affected by this years lottery (starting lineups only)
Portland: G.Oden, A.Horford, I.Udoka, B.Roy, J.Jack (+T.Lue)
LA Lakers: K.Brown, L.Odom, K.Durant, B.Gordon, J.Farmar (+T.Thomas)
Chicago: B.Wallace, K.Garnett, L.Deng, R.Davis, K.Heinrich (+A.Bynum)
Indiana: S.Hawes, D.Granger, A.Nocioni, M.Dunleavy, J.Tinsley
Seattle: R.Swift, N.Collison, K.Bryant, R.Allen, L.Ridenour
Minnesota: J.O'Neal, C.Smith, R.Lewis, R.Foye, M.Conley
New York: E.Curry, C.Frye, R.Balkman, V.Carter, S.Marbury (+Z.Pachulia)
Atlanta: Z.Randolph, M.Williams, J.Smith, J.Johnson, A.LawIII (+D.Lee, N.Robinson)
New Jersey: L.Aldridge, M.Moore, B.Wright, Q.Richardson, J.Kidd (+J.Childress, B.Skinner)
Memphis: P.Gasol, S.Swift, C.Brewer., D.Jones., D.Stoudamire
Boston: Y.Jianlan, A.Jefferson., W.Sczerbiak, P.Pierce., D.West
Milwaukee: A.Bogut, C.Villanueva, R.Jefferson, M.Redd, M.Williams (+#17 Pick)
Charlotte: N.Mohammed, R.Wallace, E.Okafor, M.Carroll, R.Felton
Detroit: T.Splitter, C.Webber, G.Wallace, R.Hamilton, C.Billups
Sacramento: B.Miller, K.Thomas, B.Diaw, K.Martin, M.Bibby (+#29, #59 Picks)
Phoenix: A.Stoudamire, S.Marion, J.Wright, R.Artest, S.Nash
Philadelphia: S.Dalembert, J.Green, A.Igoudala, A.Miller, K.Ollie