

Over the last 24 hours these are the emails I've received from my college buddies. We like to let Jacob go on rants as often as possible and always give him topics. What follows is one of the better ones we've had. Enjoy!


How do you feel about the death of Ingmar Bergman and everyone in the media calling him "the most influencial filmaker of the last X years?" or better yet "He was probably the greatest film artist, all things considered, since the invention of the motion picture camera" - Woody Allen
- DiBs

I have two complaints. I will address them seperately.
#1 What do I care what woody allen thinks. Annie Hall was all right. What else you got? seriously. This from a man who could have said "Sex with my 13 year old Asian Cousin is, all things considered, the best sex since the original precreation of the species." *
*not actually said, but inferred from actions
#2 Ingmar Bergman was good. Not as good as the love he will get since hes now dead. (btw woody allen said that a couple of years ago, so its dumb but at least its not "hes dead now" revisionism)
He was a good photographer. Probably a great photographer who translated his works nicely to motion pictures. He's the father of the foreign film that makes you go "what?"
Seriously, think Eddie Izzard in Dress to Kill reinacting all British movies: "Sebastion what are you doing? I'm just arranging matches"
Any movie that can have 8 minutes of two characters and no dialogue is not GREAT! It might be good, but anyone can do that now. I admit I have only seen Cries and Whispers and clips from Persona and the seventh Seal. So what do I know. I just hate that when someone dies he is all the sudden the greatest thing ever. Kirby Puckett syndrome.
Seriously, people were even feeling sorta bad about Saddam Freaking Hussein--Mass Murdering BAstard!!!
He's no Michael Bay!
Fabula Fabula fabula, Syuzhet!
Jacob "seriously, give me Wim Wenders anyday" VandeMoortel

The Kirby Puckett thing is pretty ignorant Jacob. He was a great player and a great ambassador to the game. Are you saying he wasn’t a hall of famer before he died?
Either way it is pretty shallow and I would expect more from you. How do you think his kids feel. I don’t mind making people seem a “little greater” when they die….it is the least we could do.
“A legend in our hearts forever” -- Myself on Dale Earnheardt.
Jacob…you would learn from that quote
Anybody want to go watch the Phillies beat the Brewers on August 5th? Cheaps seats and we could root against the Brewers

I left Jacob out of this e-mail…but everyone respond with something bashing him for ripping on Puckett…make it real cheezy to….it will get an even better rant

How could you blind side a dead person like that. It’s just terrible. Next thing you know DiBari will be sending you a rant request about them making an Alvin and the Chipmunks live action movie and you’ll go on a tangent trying to explain how Alvin and the Chipmunks are a myth just like the holocaust.

Woody Allen is a genius. His old stand-up was amazing, his comedic writing is phenomenal, and he had at least 6 good movies that I've seen 2 of which are great! And he did not sleep with his 13 year old Asian cousin, he slept with and married, his ex girlfriends 22 year old adopted daughter. Big difference. He is not Jerry Lee Lewis, "Goodness Gracious Great Balls in my 13 year old first cousin!!!!!"
Secondly, I don't like movies that make me say "what!?" I like movies that make me say "Huh?" or "AHH!" or even "Why?", but "what!?" That just means the movie made no sense, Huh? means, it was smart and I must have missed something of i am just not learned enough for it. Almost like a Dennis Miller bit, the creator of Huh? comedy. I love Eddie Izzard, but I do not put him in as a "Huh" comic, he is a Monty Python descendant and is a carrier of the British Silly "ehh?" comedy, along the lines of the late great Benny Hill. And arguably the best at it ever, it starts from his look and goes from there. Not to be confused with the Ricky Gervais "(silence)" British comedy, that he is the purveying master.
Thirdly, its not the Kirby Puckett Sydnrom. He died a fat, blind, adulter, wife/mistress beater, but with a great smile. I prefer it as the Nicole Brown-Simpson Syndrom. She was an uppty cunt, that took her successful husbands money and children, and used it to fuck her way around Hollywood and get fame. BUT since her head was chopped off, she was a poor nice lady.
Lastly, Saddam Hussien was a poor bastard. He was taken from a place of power and money, where his voice was law. He kept peace over 3 warring peoples through an iron fist, but he kept peace. I know some of the people are happy he is gone, but I gaurentee he had a higher approval rating than our current President. As much as I love freedom, for some people, they don't want it, and it is not bred into them. It took over 3 hundred years for the French and British to come to understand and accept freedom, and it took America, a country founded on "freedom", almost 2 hundred years to accept it for all people. Why would they accept it overnight? It is something that has to be engrained into the people, IE Russia and the eastern block.
How does this sound - "you are free, now do as your told, and have elections, and freedom of relegion, and eqaul sexes, and..."
Does that sound free?
But we are not going to gas hundred of thousands of people to protect the millions, instead, you need to just accept each other.
So when we feel bad for Hussien, its more of a feeling for his people and the fact he kept the peace and economy (oil) running. Plus, he really liked Doritos and MTV, just like us!
- DiBs

Alright, first off the Kirby Puckett anaology was not only the wrong analogy but awfully distasteful. I mean the man's dead for goodness sake, show him some respect. The analogy of Nicole Brown Simpson was much better. Also a better analogy would be Dan Marino, Barry Sanders, Ted Williams Ernie Banks, Ryne Sandburg, none of which won a Championship and the latter 2 would be completely obvious to you I would think. Bergman never won an Oscar but was nominated 4 times. Obviously a better sports comparison than Kirby Puckett which again just was a crude comment to such a legendary figure.

What do Kirby Puckett and my penis have in common? THEY ARE/WERE ONE EYED

Ingmar Bergman is not like Ryne Sandberg or Ernie Banks. Ingmar Bergman was a Hollywood outsider. He was never much expected to win an oscar despite his nominations. Martin Scorcese not winning one was unheard of. Ingmar Bergman not winning one is maybe wrong but it is rather expected. I mean Maria Full of Grace from Journeyman Productions based out of the QC got a bloody nomination (Best Actress:Catalina Sandino Moreno 2004) On second thought, the Cubs were never expected to win much of anyhing either (except maybe in '69--which disqualifies Ernie Banks).
Also, might I point out that I didn't say Ingmar Bergman was experiencing Kirby Puckett Syndrome. I was pointing out that Woody Allen said all his superlatives years ago before Bergman was dead. So it was NOT KPS!
Furthermore, please don't feign moral indignation at my calling out of Kirby Puckett. Kirby Puckett syndrome-as I see it- is when someone who was really good--maybe truly great (and he might have been--but not one of the ten or 20 best of all time!)--dies and instantly becomes one of the all time greats and everyone overlooks all the things that weren't so good.
Kirby Puckett had many things that weren't so good. Baseball-wise, he was pretty solid. He was the inverse of Ichiro--super hitting but more HR's and less SB's. He was a Hall of Famer and deservedly so.
But he had his Demons. I reference Sports Illustrated March 11th, 2003:

Domestic Distrubance: not abuse--just disturbance
"Alleged" Sexual Abuse
Public Lewdness

Everyone has the common sense to admit that Ty Cobb was one of the greatest hitters to ever live but he was a flippin' bastard.
Kirby Puckett seemed to be a great guy while playing. Afterwards, he fell apart. I don't say we need to skewer the guy, just be honest about it. He didn't exactly put the Saint in St. Paul. When he died--unexpectedly and young (just the way a 24 hour news network likes it!)--everyone was all atwitter about how wonderful he was and what a great man and baseball player.
Full Disclosure Please!
In death, remember the good. But if an asterisk is needed, use it.
Those who are acting offended by the KPS reference remind me of Tom Delay or Newt Gingrich acting outraged and indignant at Bill Clinton or some other such bunch of "Moral High Horsers."
I'm not anti Kirby Puckett. But I want you to know I wasn't just tossing around names carelessly. I knew what I said and I stand by it.
I'm a bastard.

Jacob….haven’t you been guilty of all these crimes at one time???

Domestic Distrubance: not abuse--just disturbance – After Lewis wedding when you were so wasted….you started throwing up and bumbling around naked…AJ and I tried to help you get dressed and gather yourself…and you became violent saying you were going to “kick our ass” and to “leave you the f**k alone or you would beat us”

"Alleged" Sexual Abuse – Wearing a thong around Forsetti and running around Augie campus. Also all those kittens you took upstairs to “cuddle” with senior year.

Public Lewdness – How many times did you urinate outside on the trash bush???

Drunkeness – Spilling on yourself all the time at Kai’s and “I’m invincible” I think say enough….
Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Leave Kirby alone….and don’t try to bring great legends like Ty Cobb into it either.
Why don’t we just look up a bunch of dirt on Walter Payton??? He’s dead and can’t defend himself

"Domestic Disturbance: not abuse--just disturbance
"Alleged" Sexual Abuse
Public Lewdness
This is Kirby Puckett's rap sheet? Domestic Disturbance from a man whose fantasy football team name is Domestic Abuse is somewhat contradictive is it not? "Alleged" Sexual Abuse is merely alleged, though quite an allegation nobody has proven this happened. Leaving the first two out of the equation we are left with Public Lewdness and Drunkenness which everyone on this list of email could have been convicted of at some point, or will be the night you wear the confederate flag shirt....It's hard to rip on a guy that really isn't that "tainted" at all.

I just talked to Jake on the phone. He is still mad we all defended Kirby Puckett. He is saying when he dies, he only wants to be referred as a "good guy who threw up on his birthday and claimed to be invincible"

thanks for the laughs guys with jake on kirby puckett. keep the rants coming!

And thus is my Inbox the last 24 hours!


The Other Harrington

Remember sitting and watching the 2005 WSOP on summer nights back in 05? Everyone had a favorite to watch, whether it was Phil Ivey, Johnny Chan, Moneymaker, etc. Mine was Dan Harrington, not sure why but it just was. He had the characteristic of normal guy playing professional poker. Well yesterday his brother won the British Open. It was actually an incredible win given that he basically choked going into 18 and rebounded during the playoff to beat Sergio Garcia. As much as I love golf I had an aching feeling that this moment would have been so much better in mind if Tiger had been in the picture. There are always stats that show how events get some so many more viewers if Tiger is within a couple strokes of the lead, and I always figured that these are just fairweather fans, but yesterday I felt like one of them. I would have been on the edge of my seat expecting miiracle shots out of nowhere, errant drives that found the Burn but a brilliant recovery and amazing putt for birdie. Sure the tournament was exciting, but was t really great, eh.. This got me thinking about the ESPN "Who's Now" and I think out of any sport Tiger is the most "Now" He makes me want to sit in front of my TV for 5 hours and watch golf. Point is, good just Padraig...


2007 NBA Drafta-ganza

I tried to format this...gchat doesn't translate to blogger. Their both Google, dammit, it should work. But now I can be done with this and move on to other things.

The following are heavily researched thoughts and opinions of 2 NBA draft-niks. Prepare yourselves.

JT: Music choice: “It Ends Tonight” by the All-American rejects. Interesting decision for a group of young men getting ready to begin their NBA careers. It’s a paradox, to say the least.
JT: Don’t worry, Dickie V. is rocking the fully buttoned Polo, as per usual. And he just compared Oden to Ewing, Mourning, Duncan and Hakeem. So if he isn’t a 12-time MVP, disappointment.
JT: Bilas just called Durant a “scoring savant”. I’ve never heard the word savant used after anything but “idiot.” I’ll trust Jay that he meant it in a good way.

Stuart Scott interviewing KD
JT: stu scott keeping it surprisingly toned down
JE: awkward moment between stu and durant
Camera on Joa-Quim

oh my gosh!!!
JT: lol


JT: SalPal sighting! surprise surprise...he's in philly
most exciting thing is seeing how the 76ers will try to match the Kevin Kolb genius
JE: and later, he'll be shown with Lakers uniforms

or not
that's jim gray
JT: Jim Grey

he's uber-gay for the Lakers
: Brewer's 'stache is epic
JE: i still can't believe Noah

JT: Spencer Hawes lucks like a huge womanJE: that was some moment right there

lol, he is a huge woman
JT: Thornton looks like a cold-blooded killer

JE: and we need 14 guys to select greg oden
high five!!!
JT: we win!!!

JT: give it to me stephen
don't let me down
JE: what the F
JT: I expect something ridiculous every time he opens his mouth. His cadence is ridiciulous. I think he needs a speech therapist.
Durant goes to Seattle #2
: and boom goes the dynamite
JT: there better be some large black women showing more emotion than that tonight

Greg Oden Highlights
JT: ...don't show Iowa, don't show Iowa
And Joey Dorsey getting faced
Celtics-Sonics Trade Announced
: trade!!!
JE: nice!!!

JE: yes

wow, sonics getting freaking good
and celts
JT: oh God, if they leave i'm gonna actual care

JE: who are they taking at fivE?
JT: give it to meeeeeeeeeee

jeff green, if he's there
hell yes.
JT: Brewer lookin' sharp
JE: he does

looking really good
JT: easy there, tiger

JE: <----- blush

after the Sonics-Celts discussion

SAS bashing Boston
can't wait to hear the SG stance
pierce might finally stop bitching?
so seattle will start 2 rookies?

hopefully collison will still start

so delonte west is a PG, maybe the sonics will trade ridnour for the #11

Justin: interesting

me: that would be AWESOME!!

Justin: that could be

me: then they get Ju

Justin: that would be awesome

me: sweet Jesus, 'im getting moist

5:01 PM commercial = beer

Justin: seriously, i wish i had flown out

we could be pounding beer and jager

it'd be a wonderfully crazy night

and an ugly morning

5:02 PM me: God yes

me: cool to see Horford w/the fist pump

chinese guy to milwaukee

chinese guy to milwaukee

chinese guy to milwaukee

chinese guy to milwaukee


Justin: damn

5:04 PM me: YES

can we please get a mini-series on that?!?


Justin: lol

me: i mean, it has to happen

Justin: that was good

me: eating brats, drinking beer, meeting brett favre

Justin: what?

did you hear that

me: oh jeezus

5:05 PM Justin: yi is new school, he's hip hop, he's fifty cent

me: Yi Jianlan = 50 Cent

Justin: at least say fiddy

me: that's great..."he fits milwaukee, but he's gonna hate it"

me: SAS adds nothing

Justin: never

me: he did use circumvent correctly

that was impressive

me: noah goes from #1 to #3 from his school

5:12 PM is that the short person?

behind him?

Justin: was he leading him toward the stage?

me: yeah

me: it might've been a she

Justin: lol


Me: seriously IT ENDS TONIGHT!?!?

could that make any less sense


Justin: SHIT

we're getting jo-kim

this Fing sucks

me: i'm praying right now

Justin: damn it

damn it

damn it

damn it

me: i mean, he'll be fun to watch

Justin: you're praying and I'm cursing

me: i thought when you said Shit, it was hawes

"white GF?

or is that his mom?

Justin: his mom's white


i think that's his mom

me: is it weird that i've 2ce confused moms for GFs?

me: "now a scuplter"?

that's classic

5:26 PM meaning, she doesn't do shit, but wait for her son to make a shit-ton of money

that suit is freaking sweet

Justin: well his dad was a tennis star

me: seersucker is awesome

Justin: they're doing ok

me: eh, it was the 70s/80s, probably blew it all on coke

5:27 PM Justin: lol

good point

me: 6.5 rebounds?


HE'S 7-0!!!

Justin: serious

Ho wthe shit does that happen
so white
i have no idea how that team was so terrible

me: 1st guy who's strentgh was a positive
he lit up UW early in the season
he doesn't "guard his own man"? who does he guard?
i don't get it
Eastern Washington was the school I had to go to"...must have loved school

here we go
me: come on!!!!
Justin: ahhh
me: WHAT
Justin: nice
me: hahaha
Justin: can they put that up again
david lee standing and clapping is awesome
6:15 PM me: serious
so channing and dickau to portland?
dude, zrandolph's getting arrrested by September
SA's head is going to explode
yeah, i don't get why portland wants stevie? maybe he'll be alive w/some young talent
6:16 PM nets getting booed
Justin: ehhh
me: WOW
i think that surprises me

me: combination of vinny del negro and brent barry?!?!?!?!!?
that's a good thing
Justin: so did carlos arrojo
me: sounds like the f'ing kiss of death
especially from a guy who got fired by St. John's

6:39 PM me: jim grey sitting eerily close to kupchak
6:40 PM Justin: if only ric bucher were with them
me: little menage
SA: looks like he was ready to cry

me: per Rod Thorn: Sean Williams has a brain.

Justin: seriously, why pick afflalo and stuckey
me: offense/defense
Justin: ouch, lit up brandon rush
Justin: lol
me: that game made me sick
talk about how he ABSOLUTELY disappeared against florida
Justin: just did
me: thank you
Justin: wow
me: i win
Justin: yes you do

unless i didn't sign an agent b/c i thought i'd be in the 2nd round, and i'm going back to college to work on my upside
me: or, it's really just beginning.
i'm sure none of these kids are thinking about what's ending.
rather, "give me my money, bitches!!!"

And boom goes the dynamite.


2Man List: Player Moves that Never Should've Happened

Since there are a grand total of 2 of us who post this, instead of doing a JRS mock draft, it's only a two-man list. So here we go:

1. Ken Griffey, Jr. stays with the Mariners
The kid gets to play in a beautiful new park, in the much healthier PacNW (Cincy, really?), without the harsh turf. He stays healthy, and is the man we're talking about breaking Hank's record this year, and nobody would give a shit about Barry Bonds.


Dear Mr. Paxson

In a valiant effort to get a hold of John Paxson I tried to email him to five different email accounts including: j.paxson@chicagobulls.com; john_paxson@chicagobulls.com, etc. Here's the email in case he doesn't get it but wanders across our blog while googling his own name!

Dear Mr. Paxson

I'm sure you get tons of email from fans wanting to be GM's and everywhere you go people telling you thoughts on what to do. Honestly, I guess I'm no different. I'm a huge sports fan, which includes of course the Bulls given that I grew up in Naperville and watched you play my whole childhood. I've spent numerous hours on the ESPN trade machine trying to get a low post player. I thought about emailing you my top ten list of trades, but you don't have time for that, so here's my number one trade possibility. Ben Gordon, PJ Brown, Chris Duhon (you could throw in Adrian Griffin or Nocioni as well to have more cap room/more players depending on Portland's demands) for Zach Randolph. You are able to keep the #9 pick which I trust you will use wisely. Although I would love an email back I know that may be relatively impossible. Thanks for reading, and if you're ever in need of a stats guy or trade guru, feel free to email me, I'd love to help the organization. Thanks again.

Justin Elder

And in case any other GM in any other sport notices this post, I'd love a job in your organization.


"Cool, we won the NBA title again. I'm so excited. This experience is so...exciting, I mean, this group of guys is really exiting, and this year has definitely been the most exciting of my career. I just can't say how excited I am to win my 4th title in 8 years. Just exciting."

We feel you, Tim. We really, really feel you.


Lottery Mock Draft

Okay, our next Jim Rome's Silence Mock Draft will be a mock lottery. Here are the rules: You must follow the original order of the draft, however you can put in possible trades that are reasonable. No Tim Duncan to Chicago for the #9 pick trades. Other than that, you can pick any player for any team, meaning you can give the Grizzlies joakim Noah at #4 if you really want to and it's your turn. Since we don't have too many contributors to the blog, we'll say you can't make back-to-back picks just alternating.

And with the first pick of the 2007 Jim Rome's Silence Mock Lottery Draft, the Portland Trailblazers select Greg Oden.

1. Portland: Greg Oden (Justin)

First Trade of the Draft!!! Here's the breakdown (salary cap non-withstanding):
Lakers Get: #2 Pick, Tyrus Thomas, Ben Gordon
Bulls Get: Kevin Garnett, Ricky Davis, Andrew Bynum
Pacers Get: #9 Pick, Andres Nocioni
Sonics Get: Kobe MF'in Bryant
Timberwolves Get: Rashard Lewis, Jermaine O'Neal

2. LAL: Kevin Durant

Second Trade of the Draft!
Knicks Get: Vince Carter and Zaza Pachulia
Hawks Get: Zach Randolph and Nate Robinson, David Lee
Trail Blazers Get: #3 Pick, Tyron Lue
Nets Get: Josh Childress, Quentin Richardson, LaMarcus Aldridge

3. Portland - Al Horford

4. Memphis - Corey Brewer
The Grizzzzz play it safe, and get somebody better than Dahntay Jones (Dahntay Jones?!?!) to play the 2. Surprisingly, they don't take their 2nd foreign center and match some enormous Chinese guy w/Paul Gasol. The Celts are up next, God knows what they're going to do.

5. Boston - Yi Jianlian
I really wanted to give Boston Joakim Noah just to give Bill Simmons a heart attack and make it three Gators in a row. I also wanted to get Orlando to this pick so Donavon could get his favorite athlete ever (that may happen later). Yi has had some good workouts lately and his stock is rising, but is he the next Wang Zhizhi?

Third Trade of the Draft!
Bucks Get: Richard Jefferson, #17
Nets Get: #6, Brian Skinner

6. New Jersey - Brendan Wright
He's from UNC...I don't really care. Upside, blah blah blah. I'm sure JKidd will make him look good. Where will Vinsanity go now that the big3 are blown up? (Vince is actually already in New York...)

7. Minnesota - Mike Conley Jr.
First, this draft is too good for Minnesota and that's why it will never happen with Kevin McHale up there. Minnesota's team looks drastically different and so much better after this draft. Their before linup: Mike James, Ricky Davis, Trenton Hassell, Kevin Garnett, Mark Blount. Their after lineup: Mike Conley Jr, Randy Foye (great player, would start here when Ricky Davis leaves), Rashard Lewis, Jermaine O'Neal, Mark Blount. If they can add another big guy during free agency they would be contenders in the West again.

Trade #4!!
Charlotte gets: Rasheed Wallace + Nazr Mohammed
Detroit Gets: #8 Pick + Gerald Wallace

8. Detroit - Tiago Splitter
Charlotte takes advantage of Detroit's playoff implosion, while the Pistons get rid of the insane 'Sheed and choose another Euro player (one of these guys is going to pan out right? Darko, Delfino, now Tiago). Detroit gets some youthful size to move around a bit, while trying to keep Rip + Mr. Big Shot (really, that's his nickname???)

9. Indiana - Spencer Hawes
What may have been the easiest pick in the draft. With Jermaine O'Neal gone, the Pacers need someone down low who can score. This lets Troy Murphy go back to being a PF which should help and with the joining of Nocioni, Mike Dunleavy can go back to playing the 3 (What?? Mike Dunleavy was playing the 2 in a Pacer uniform??? Seriously? According to their depth chart he was...ouch).

Another Trade!! Sweet Lord this is a crazy Draft?
Sacramento Gets: Boris Diaw, Phoenix's #29 + #59 Picks
Phoenix Gets: #10 Pick, Ron Artest

10. Phoenix - Julian Wright
Thank God Julian doesn't go to Sacramento, Atlanta, or any other terrible team. The Kings unload their own nutjob, Artest (and his $$), and add some opportunities to rebuild around Kevin Martin (really?) and his flattop (really?)

11. Atlanta - Acie Law IV
It may be too early to go with Law, especially with Jeff Green on the board (he must be shwoing his Brady Quinn face with this pick) but the Hawks need a PG because they passed up on Chris Paul and Deron Williams two years ago. They cannot afford to pass up on Mr. Clutch. This pick also allows the Hawks to be contenders in the weak Southeast. Their 2007-2008 lineup: Acie Law, Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, Zach Randolph.

12. Philadelphia
As the pick is about to be announced, Billy King looks especially pleased with himself, especially excited to get the player he's been dreaming about for the last 4 months, kid with local connections, kid who can be a go-to-guy, kid Billy can't believed slipped that far. Here comes the announcement.
"With the twelfth pick in the 2007 NBA draft, the Philadelphia 76ers select.....Roy Hibbert of Georgetown."
Horrified, a team exec informs Billy of the news that last month, Hibbert withdrew from the draft. Shocked and confused, Billy pulls his best Tim Duncan face and shrieks for Stern's help. After a few moments of deliberation between Stern and the rest of the NBA's GM's, they decide to have mercy on the inept Billy. Frantically, Billy stops thinking and just chooses Hibbert's teammate, Jeff Green.

13. New Orleans - Al Thornton
Chris Paul desperately needs a scorer since David West led the Hornets this past year. Thornton showed some promise against Kentucky and Florida this year. Scoring big in big games is a bonus and shows great "potential" and "upsdie". If Noah is truly a guy like Battier where he plays in postion and knows how to play the game/rebound/play defense, then he would be a steal here. However, if he's more like the Noah during and after the Championship game, then he should drop to the 2nd round. Either way, New Orleans needs a scorer, which is why they select Big Al.

Thus concludes the 2007 Jim Rome's Silence Mock Lottery.

rosters affected by this years lottery (starting lineups only)
Portland: G.Oden, A.Horford, I.Udoka, B.Roy, J.Jack (+T.Lue)
LA Lakers: K.Brown, L.Odom, K.Durant, B.Gordon, J.Farmar (+T.Thomas)
Chicago: B.Wallace, K.Garnett, L.Deng, R.Davis, K.Heinrich (+A.Bynum)
Indiana: S.Hawes, D.Granger, A.Nocioni, M.Dunleavy, J.Tinsley
Seattle: R.Swift, N.Collison, K.Bryant, R.Allen, L.Ridenour
Minnesota: J.O'Neal, C.Smith, R.Lewis, R.Foye, M.Conley
New York: E.Curry, C.Frye, R.Balkman, V.Carter, S.Marbury (+Z.Pachulia)
Atlanta: Z.Randolph, M.Williams, J.Smith, J.Johnson, A.LawIII (+D.Lee, N.Robinson)
New Jersey: L.Aldridge, M.Moore, B.Wright, Q.Richardson, J.Kidd (+J.Childress, B.Skinner)
Memphis: P.Gasol, S.Swift, C.Brewer., D.Jones., D.Stoudamire
Boston: Y.Jianlan, A.Jefferson., W.Sczerbiak, P.Pierce., D.West
Milwaukee: A.Bogut, C.Villanueva, R.Jefferson, M.Redd, M.Williams (+#17 Pick)
Charlotte: N.Mohammed, R.Wallace, E.Okafor, M.Carroll, R.Felton
Detroit: T.Splitter, C.Webber, G.Wallace, R.Hamilton, C.Billups
Sacramento: B.Miller, K.Thomas, B.Diaw, K.Martin, M.Bibby (+#29, #59 Picks)
Phoenix: A.Stoudamire, S.Marion, J.Wright, R.Artest, S.Nash
Philadelphia: S.Dalembert, J.Green, A.Igoudala, A.Miller, K.Ollie


Lottery Running Blog

(all times PST...go sonics!!)
5.12 - Dan Patrick's interview with Greg Oden, including roughly 25 3-second pauses. And not the good Jim Rome pauses. Oden uses roughly 3 words per answer. Like every senior citizen, Oden knows to save his breath. DP seems thrown off, which is an accomplishment by Oden.
5.14 - And your Kia Shootaround lineup: Patrick, the illustrious Jon Barry, Mike Wilbon, and the flashy, ageless David Robinson. Seriously, I have DRob's 89-90 rookie card, and he looks exactly the same.
5.15 - Whoa Whoa Whoa, we now switch to the Seacacus crowd of Jay Bilas, Fred Hickman and GAnthony. Do we need 2 crews for this, really? Just throw Kevin Harlan and Gus Robinson out there solo and they'd handle shit.
5.15 - Good to see J-Noah #9 in Bilas' list. Genius to stay in school that extra year. That 8-spot drop and an extra championship must have cost Billy D. his very soul. And he's ugly.
5.21 - Stephen A. looking horrendous in a periwinkle suede jacket. Funny, his mic isn't on, and you can hear him loud and clear. Rick Carlisle looks especially plastic tonight. Sweet Jesus, i think ESPN is going to be trotting Trev Alberts + Harold Reynolds out here for the parking lot-tailgate coverage. How much talent are they going to show in one night?
5.27 - Soo with all the described talent above, Fred Hickman's the best they could get to sit in Secaucus? Kornheiser, maybe...Mel Kiper? I know he's in hibernation, but we could hear upside, motor and every generic cliche that applies to bball as well as football.
5.29 - Mark Jones going over the process. Apparently they hide the GM's away in some bunker, wherein the "real" ping-pong balls (don't worry, there is a practice set), are locked away in a briefcase. Instead of doing something simple, each team has a set percentage of 4 number combinations, matching the 4 balls that are drawn out per pick. Why not just give the worst team 14 balls, and the best team 1 ball? I know that's too simple, maybe too hard for Stern to rig like the famous Ewing conspiracy.
5.31 - Bilas says that Durant and Oden have "excellent resumes" with "tremendous upside." So playing against bums in high school, and spending 1 year in college = an excellent resume? Don't get me wrong, these guys are amazing, as close to can't-miss picks since I started giving a hell about the NBA. But don't resumes include experience? Maybe that's just me.
5.32 - The best part of all the talk about the "fateful day" that the Knicks got the #1 and picked Ewing in 1985...he never won a title. Do people not remember this? Sure, the Knicks got an amazing player, and Ewing did work in the Association. And yeah, the Knicks were a consistent contender. But no title. Why is there no talk about Chicago pulling the #2 pick in 1982? That seems to be a bit more important than Ewing never taking care of bidness.
5.36 - Dominique Wilkins sighting! He was the man, I remember watching the dunk contest highlight videos, and always wondering why I hardly ever heard of him compared to Jordan. The Hawks were decent, but never really did anything.
5.37 - And we go to San Antonio with Mike Breen (Maybe? I don't remember who that guy is), Mark Jackson, and the newly single Jeff Van Gundy. Jeff's a little hard to recognize when he's vertical...
5.39 - Fred goes deep to Stern and asks about the Amare suspension...Stern avoids eye contact annnnd, takes no responsibility, saying his job is to enforce the rules. His sideburns are weird...thicker than they are long. That shouldn't happen, should it?
5.41 - FHick takes it easy on Stern the rest of the way. No surprise. Hickman's not #1 on my list of hard-hitting journalists.
5.43 - I'm a cashew. Let's do this.
5.45 - Run-down of team reps. Good to see Billy King of the 76'ers. I wonder if he's excited to ruin his team further as a result of tonight. The Bulls choose the VP of BBall Operations...couldn't get much more anonymous than this. And he has terrible posture.
5.47 - Interesting, the TWolves send send Randy Foye, and the Blazers send BRoy. Are there any two guys who will show less excitement? I'm excite to see Tommy Heinsohn blow an aorta if they pull the #1, that's way more fun.
5.48 - Here we go...I can feel the heart palpitatoins, especially thanks to Adam Silver. Announcer
5.49 - #14 - Clips
#13 - Hornets - no emotion from either rep
#12 - 76ers - Billy can't to much to wreck that
#11 - Pacers - Larry looks pissed
#10 - Kings - Maloof looks impeccably groomed
#9 - Bulls - Pretty much straight up so far
#8 - Bobcats - does anybody in Charlotte care?
#7 - TWolves - KG gets no help
#6 - Bucks - ummmm....whatever.
#5 - Celtics....the Sports Guy is going to die
#4 - Memphis - Big drop...somebody's gonna get lucky

Finally a break! that was rapid fire...and maybe the least amount of emotion ever from this Silver guy. I don't know who he is, apparently he does something for the NBA that matters.
Apparently for one of the most exciting lotteries in NBA history, they decided to get the most deathly man possible to announce. Pretty ironic...maybe the NBA is trying to go the PoMo route, you know, just for kicks. Shaq will lead the philosophical charge.
So the Grizz had a 46% chance at 1 or 2, and they blew it.
Boston fans look incredulous...i think the Masshole on the shot might have tears in his eyes.
#3 - Hawks
#1 - Trailblazers
PacNW what what!!!! Brandon Roy and his incredibly casual look pull it out. He needs a little more pocket corner showing. Good thing, too, the Blazers needed to get a little bit younger. I think Martell Webster just turned 20, so they need to go youth movement.
I'm not sure what I'm more exited for, the renewed excitement coming out of the Seattle NBA fanbase, and hope that the franchise might actually stay up here, or Simmons' article bitching about how the Celtics got screwed. Maybe if they didn't have Danny Ainge and the Doc running their squad, they'd have a little more luck. Hopefully there will be some trade craziness happening to spice things up a little bit.

Jon Barry is saying that Portland might trade the #1...he also guaranteed that the Celtics would win the lottery. He's bald and rocks the goatee, therefore, he holds no sway over me. Dipshit.

Whew, what a whirlwind of activity. Talk about the complete antithesis of the NFL draft. I'm spent. Good luck and good night.


The Stadium

In 1989, my dad told me that he needed to buy a new video camera downtown Chicago and he wanted me to go with him. Obviously, I threw a complete fit because I didn't want to waste a Sunday afternoon shopping for a video camera. He made me come and I was so upset that I didn't even notice we were exiting right near the old Chicago Stadium. When we pulled up I couldn't believe he had tickets to the Bulls-Pistons playoff game. At the young age of seven, I'd already been to about 10 Bulls games, but never a playoff game, and now a Pistons-Bulls game. I don't recall much of the game, but I do remember the feeling that this was a special game, a game that comes around once or twice in a lifetime. It still ranks up there with some all-time games.

Top 5 Games Seen (in person)
1. Chicago White Sox v. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 2005 - Though it was the only loss the Sox had during the post season it was an intense atmosphere and unbelievable game.
2. Bulls v. Lakers 1991 NBA Finals Game 1: Only game the Bulls lost in the series. (recurring theme???) Watching Magic, Kareem, Worthy, Jordan and Pippen in one game. Nuts.
3. Chicago Cubs v. Atlanta Braves 2003 Playoffs Game 4: Matt Clement vs. Russ Ortiz. A win in this game gives the Cubs a playoff series win and the town of Chicago will go absolutely nuts. Down 6-3 entering the ninth, Randall Simon doubles to lead off the inning. Damian Miller then doubles in Simon. Making it a 6-4 game with Sammy Sosa coming to the plate. Sosa hits a long shot back, back, back, to the warning track. Cubs lose.
4. Chicago Bears v. Jacksonville Jaguars 2002 - Keith Traylor huffing and puffing chugging down the field after an interception giving the Bears a 20-0 lead. This game clinched their first NFC Central title since 1990.
5. Chicago Bulls v. Detroit Pistons 1989 - Truly intense basketball game and the loudest place I've ever been in my life, hands down. This game is why I love basketball.

What are your top 5 games seen in person??


Dirka Dirka Dirka

Not sure if you watched the Mavericks v. Warriors game last night. I was unable to watch the first half and got home in time to see the start of the 3rd quarter. I was so excited to watch this game and GS's fans. I half expected the score to be 56-34 Warriors but instead it was a two point game, 50-48. I was a little worried because I thought Dallas might start to turn on their "playoff gear". Backed up to elimination, Dirk was going to change personalities. Truly, I still thought Dallas would pull this out. I was hopeful they wouldn't be come on, right?

Then with 9:11 left to play, Stephen Jackson buries back-to-back threes forcing Avery Johnson to use a timeout with his team down 8. Still I thought Dallas would fight back with something, and Josh Howard hits a three and I know its on know. But then Jackson come down a buries back to back threes AGAIN! Seriously, at one point he was 7-7. Finally after Baron Davis makes a layup to go up 14, he drives the lane again and Austin Croshere fouls him hard. Honestly, why hadn't anyone fouled him hard earlier? And more importantly, why is AUSTIN CROSHERE the guy who finally does it. That stretch from 9:11 to 4:26 was one of the best runs I've seen, perhaps since Illinois erased that 15 point lead against Arizona in the sweet 16 game 2 years ago.

In case you missed it:

The point is, where was Dirk Nowtizki. He pulled a Joakim Noah. In the game that really matter he posted 2 fgs and had 10 rebounds. Need I remind you of Noah's stats in the championship game: 1 fg. 3 rebounds. And put a ratty goatee and unshaved look on top of a trimmed Noah and you're looking at Dirk. Yikes.

Golden State will now play either Houston or Utah. I'm picking Houston, and the Warriors could win that one too, considering Houston is 0-3 on the road against the Jazz. This could get interesting!



I love Jim Rome. Love the Man.


Top Sports movies

Caddyshack may be one of the greatest sports movies of all time but according to this list from rotten tomatoes, there are 48 better sports movies. Yeah, I wanted to vomit as well. This list will make you sick to your stomach



1st RS Mock Draft...

Ok boys, let's do a collaborative post. Mock draft style, order is whoever posts first gets first pick.
Topic: player you would most like to see never every play in their respective league/sport again, and why. photos with discussion suggested.
aaaannnn, go!
Edit: We're limiting it to basketball...There are plenty of guys i despise in the college / nba game.



There are times in my life when I remember that sports are seemingly useless. Sure it's great to think about and debate about, but then there are times like tonight at Good Friday service that I'm reminded that there are much more important things in life than sports, like Jesus.


You Have NO Idea....... unless you live in Gainesville and party like a Gator.......

Joakim Noah Rant #1:
Finally somebody posted the ridiculous interview by Joakim Noah after the Florida-OSU game on Monday. This kid did not deserve to talk after the game if this is what he was going to say. I can't understand how a young man who is the offspring of a former French professional Tennis player and former Miss Sweden can sound so uneducated. It just looks bad on the University of Florida that after three years of a college education their best player and spokesmen for the team hasn't learned how to market himself or say a complete sentence without sounding like a complete idiot. Also, if you were able to catch the end of the Women's NCAA game Candace Parker was interviewed and being the same age as Noah I figured something like, "We're gonna do it big, you have no idea, but my girls know, my volunteer girls know what I'm talking about." Instead, what we got was a very good interview about how the team played and what they learned over the past couple years and the great job the coach and leader did throughout her career. Interesting.

Noah Rant #2:
The more I watch this clip the more I try to place this voice and I realize why I hate Joakim's voice so much, because it's an exact replica of Stephen A. Smith's. Listen. When Noah says, "my boys know", it's an almost perfect match!

Noah Rant #3:
Could anyone's draft status hurt more than Noah's in that last game? He had one fg, and three rebounds. That's awful. He sat most of the game and cheered his team which isn't what a lottery pick player should be doing in an effort to repeat as champions.

Noah Rant #4:
Not so much a rant on Noah, but the Florida team in general. These four juniors started crying at their press conference that they were leaving. Seriously. If it's that emotionally draining on you then stay a third year. If you truly can't imagine playing without these guys than go try to win a third title, but don't cry about the fact that you just made a decision to make millions of dollars and say why it was one of the hardest decisions of your life. As soon as this video pops up I'll put it up just so you can see it.


Check this out

Rockies take it.

Have you seen Todd Helton? 30lbs of heavy muscle added to the most consistant hitter in Baseball. Look out NL west.



Everyone seems to be putting out their annual predictions for the upcoming MLB season. I'm watching Baseball Tonight, a mere 30 minutes before opening pitch of the 2007 season and want to chime in on the annual tradition. So here's my predictions along with a few notes. (Sorry this is a little long)

1. Boston Red Sox - The addition of Dice-K and J.D. Drew give them the extra boost in this division. Their rotation might be the best in the league and now that they have Papelbon back in the pen they're
2. New York Yankees - Obviously have enough power in their lineup that they'll win a ton of games. Abreu should have an unbelievable season this year, just a hunch.
3. Toronto Blue Jays - Added Thomas which gives them some more power. Halladay is gonna win his 18-20 and they'll be third again. Put them in the AL West and they might have a chance at the wild card.
4. Tampa Bay Devil Rays - Kazmir's a stud. Delmin Young should help them out. Their core of young guys is awesome and I think they'd go somewhere if they could pitch and if they didn't live in the boringest city ever.
5. Baltimore Orioles - They blow.

1. Chicago White Sox - I know this is a Homer pick. They added bullpen help which they desperately needed and got rid of two starters (Garcia and McCarthy) that they perhaps shouldn't have. But I see this team getting back to winning close games and the addition of Erstad doesn't hurt.
2. Cleveland Indians - Every article I read has this two either one or two, so I got suckered into this pick. I really think they'll finish fourth again but whatever.
3. Detroit Tigers - I see this team as the exact same as the 2005 & 2006 White Sox. After the Sox won the ring they added Jim Thome and everyone thought they had a good shot at a repeat. Instead their pitchers grew tired late in the season and had to rely on a bullpen that was suspect. The Tigers look to get back to series having lost no one really and added Gary Sheffield. But look for the Tigers to fade late in the season because of tired pitching arms.
4. Minnesota Twins - If Liriano were healthy I think you're talking about a division leader, instead they don't have the pitching strength to get them through enough tough games. I hate this team, given that the Sox don't play well against them ever, but I respect their hard work on the field and regret putting them fourth.
5. Kansas City Royals - Gil Meche #1. Enough Said. Alex Gordon will be a stud though.

1. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim - Garrett Anderson looks back to normal for the first time in two years which is going to help this team a lot. Howie Kendrick will only get better and having Glad in the middle of an order is just plain scary. Their offense will carry them in this division.
2. Oakland A's - Well Rich Harden seems to be the favorite dark horse to pick for AL Cy Young. But I look over the last 20 years and I'm sure it goes way back until you'd find a pitcher that won a Cy Young after an injury plagued season. It's just not going to happen. Their offense is suspect and lack power with the Big Hurt in the lineup.
3. Texas Rangers - Whatever, I don't really care about this team.
4. Seattle Mariners - See above.

1. New York Mets - Solid Pitching, great offense. Jose Reyes is my NL MVP over Pujols unless for a reason stated below.
2. Philadelphia Phillies - Ryan Howard looked bad this spring. His timing is way off but I think he'll get back to normal and he and Utley will put up some big numbers. Garcia helps this rotation and Cole Hamels should have a breakout season.
3. Atlanta Braves - Most articles also have the Braves either 1 or 2, but I really don't see it at all.
4. Florida Marlins - Without Joe Girardi I'll be surprised if this team does nearly as well as last year, but they'll stay out of the cellar...
5. Washington Nationals - Awful, just awful.

1. Chicago Cubs - Soriano is such a great addition that they vault to number 1 in the division. I know it's the Cardinals to lose, based on history, but come on. Big Z will be in contention for the Cy Young and Rich Hill should continue to be a threat as a superior number 2.
2. St. Louis Cardinals - Pujols sadly won't win the MVP, UNLESS he wins the Triple Crown. I think he has a definite chance this year. If Ryan Howard starts off slow he'll be a lot closer in the RBI race this year. He's always going to be close in HR's and avg.
3. Houston Astros - I think Roger will come back to help out this team a little, but once again too little too late. I'm sure they'll start slow and have an amazing second half like always. It's sad because if Roger played the whole season he'd probably win another Cy Young and vault this team into the playoffs.
4. Milwaukee Brewers - So many articles are predicting them number 1. WHAT??? No. Ben Sheets is good, but not this good. And their offense is weak. Prince Fielder should have a great season, but they lack consistency and will lose too many games in August and September.
5. Pittsburgh Pirates - Surprisingly they did pretty well post all-star break last year. But they'll have a tough time doing that for a whole season.

1. L.A. Dodgers - Interesting team. Brad Penny looks like he's back to full strength after last years 16-9 record and Jason Schmidt adds some depth to their rotation. It's also a weak division so, we'll see.
2. Arizona Diamondbacks - Webb is dangerous and if Johnson gets back to throwing how he was when he was here last, then watch out. Chad Tracy should have a big season and I'm excited to see what Stephen Drew does this year.
3. Colorado Rockies - Helton is losing power and avg but Atkins picks that back up. Their rotation is very weak which isn't good at Coors. I think 3rd is the best they could do here.
4. San Diego Padres - They'll be in the cellar for sure but I can't put the Giants here, because I hate Barry so much.
5. San Francisco Giants - See above.

Boston defeats Cleveland
White Sox defeat Angels
Boston defeats White Sox

Mets defeat Cardinals
Cubs defeat Dodgers
Mets defeat Cubs

Mets defeat Boston


Joakim Noah

How badly does the CBS crew want to screw (not the, oh he was screwed out of a good play but the sexual sense of screwing) Joakim Noah? Did anyone but me wonder how many times he was pushing off and not get a call against him? I hate the SEC


Kevin Willis..... Really???

The Dallas Mavericks will bring in 44-year-old center Kevin Willis for a workout Thursday. The Mavs are trying to see if the 20-year vet is a good fit for their open roster spot. This comes a week after both the Lakers and Mavericks considered giving Scottie Pippen a workout for open roster spots. Seriously??? The man on the right in the photograph is Jerry Dupree also known as "The Assassin". Mark Cuban seems like the perfect candidate to let some AND 1 player try out for that roster spot. Can you honestly say that Kevin Willis might be a better player than Jerry Dupree? Or hold an open audition for Dallas hoops players to try out for a Mavs playoff roster spot. Do something better than Kevin Willis, please.


24 >23??!!

I am not a huge NBA fan but follow it as best as I can. How could I ignore an article that featured a Chicago great and the greatest of all time.

I have a Chicago bias, yes but is Kobe better than Michael Jordan?? When I first read Like Mike, Only Better by Jemele Hill, I was furious and still can't believe that someone would put Kobe on a platform on a platform higher than Jordan. Would this topic even come up if Kobe did not score 50 points in 4 straight games?

I am no NBA expert but here a few thoughts. Points don't make someone the best basketball player, the best players are without a doubt the most transcendent player of the year. Has Kobe Bryant been that much better than other players in the league? There would be no talk of Dirk or Nash to be the MVP over Kobe, if Kobe was is better than MJ. Or does 2 + 2 = 5, in this instance.

Shaq seemed to help the Lakers win championships and I do remember Kobe going scoreless for three quarters in a playoff game a few years ago. MJ never choked and I can remember him having the big men such as Will Perdue, Bill Wennington, Luc Longley, and Bill Cartwright. Almost as good as Shaq

Don't give me that bullshit that MJ did not have any competition because there are more than enough players that were were great at the time of Jordan. 23 was that much better than every player because there was no comparison with what MJ did on the court. If Kobe is better than MJ; 1.) he could win without Shaq 2.) he should have won an MVP by now 3.) he would win more championships 4.) he would better set up his teammates for success (I know Jordan is an asshole but players seemed to play well when around him, don't include his time with the Wizards)

read the article and then we can discuss why this woman is wrong. If you think Kobe is better than MJ, you can blow yourself.



Cnnsi.com Headline...

Actual Link on SI's website: Pettitte resumes throwing; Wang hurt.

Come on, that's funny.


This is Why I'm Hot

"Top Ten Reasons The Kansas Jayhawks actually have a chance this year."

10. Less Giant White guys than usual.
9. Mario Chalmers is good. And a machine on the Dance floor. Pun intended.
8. Sasha Kaun is the new Greg Ostertag
7. Just dodged a serious bullet.
6. Oral Roberts Eliminated early.
5. Jay Bilas becoming a supporter now that Duke bias has been exposed.
4. Harry Potter look alike Kirk Hinrich Cheering in stands
3. Bill Self partying with College girls.
2. Diaper Dandys
1. Most of team avoiding jail time due to minimal contact with "Pac Man" Jones.



The Boston Celtics confirmed Sunday that the team had been fined $30,000 by the NBA for excessive contact with the family of Texas star freshman and likely lottery draft pick Kevin Durant. Danny Ainge was seen sitting next to Durant's mom during a recent Texas game and has been told that it was violating the "no contact except the absolute minimum" rule to contact players before they declare for the draft. This is a serious problem..............NOT! If Ainge was smart he would have had Paul Pierce sitting on the other side of the mom dressed in his celtics uniform and a celtics pennant blocking her view. This kid is phenomenal and Boston needs his game as it seems like a perfect match to go along with Pierce. Maybe I read too much Bill Simmons and have fallen in love with this man-child too early. But he's the only reason I watched games outside of the Big 10 this year. The two Kansas games and the A & M game and the OK St. game were unbelievable. This kid is ready for the NBA and I think no matter where he goes he'll be the rookie of the year.

Of course I'm hoping by some miraculous event that the Knicks get the #2 pick because they owe this years draft pick to the Bulls, though ESPN mock draft has the Bulls taking Roy Hibbert at either 13 or 14, which wouldn't be too bad. The worst part is if Atlanta doesn't get the 1st pick they'll have to give their draft pick to the Suns. Can you imagine Durant on that team... oh goodness. Either way, the mock draft also has Phoenix picking Al Horford which would mesh well in their system. Yikes.